
Ingeneral,double-spaceallpartsofanAPAStylepaper,includingtheabstract;text;blockquotations;tableandfigurenumbers,titles,andnotes; ...,Todouble-spacethewholedocument,gotoDesign>ParagraphSpacing,andchooseDouble.Tip:Todouble-spaceonlypartofthedocument,selecttheparagraphsyouwanttochange,gotoHome>LineandParagraphSpacing,andchoose2.0.,您可以將Word檔全部或部分空間設為雙行間距。若要將整份文件設為...

Line spacing - APA Style

In general, double-space all parts of an APA Style paper, including the abstract; text; block quotations; table and figure numbers, titles, and notes; ...

Double-space the lines in a Word document

To double-space the whole document, go to Design > Paragraph Spacing, and choose Double . Tip: To double-space only part of the document, select the paragraphs you want to change, go to Home > Line and Paragraph Spacing, and choose 2.0.

將Word 檔中的行距設定為雙行間距

您可以將Word 檔全部或部分空間設為雙行間距。 若要將整份文件設為雙行間距,請移至[ 設計> 段落間距],然後選擇[ 雙行]。 段落間距功能表. 提示: 若只要將檔的一部分設 ...

Single space vs double space

... double space” button. True double spacing for a 12-point font means setting your line spacing at “Exactly” 24 points. Using Microsoft Word's ...

How To Double Space in Word

To the right of Colors and Fonts, you'll find the Paragraph Spacing option. Click this to open the dropdown menu, From the dropdown menu, choose Double.

Line Spacing: When to Use Single or Double Spacing

What is 1.5 spacing? Just like it sounds, 1.5 spacing is the middle distance between single- and double-spaced, or half a line of text.

How to Use Double vs. Triple Spacing

For double-spaced lines, under the Paragraph setting, set your Line Spacing to 2.0 (or Double) and set the spacing before and after to 0 points.

Line spacing double (despite single spacing being selected) on all ...

Hello, This morning my Word started doing this weird thing where every new line is double-spaced despite single spacing being selected in ...

How to Double Space in Microsoft Word - A Quick Tutorial

1. Select your paragraph and Right click 2. press Paragraph options 3. It should open a menu and under Spacing there should be line spacing selection.